Account Lifecycle

A user account is a set of credentials - username and password - that allows a person to login to one or more services provided by the University. Most people use their account to login to read email or to get to their Brightspace, MaineStreet, or Campus portal. Every account is bound to a person. The lifecycle of the account, i.e. when it is created and destroyed, is dependent on that person and their affiliation with the University. For these purposes, there are 4 broad classifications of affiliations (see explanation of mixed affiliations below):

  • Student - people who are not employees of the University and who have current activity, most typically class registrations but they could also be applicants.
  • Employees - people employed as regular hourly or salaried workers by the University. Not student employees.
  • Retirees - people who have officially retired from the University. Not employees who have separated from the University in other ways.
  • External - people who have a formal relationship with the University and need access to University resources as part of that relationship. Often called Persons of Interest or POI because of the facility in MaineStreet HCM used to encode them.

Account Eligibility, Provisioning, and De-provisioning

Eligibility is determined by applying rules to MaineStreet data as the system of record for students, employees, retirees and external but affiliated people. Accounts are not manually created.

Provisioning is the term used for providing an account for a person to use. The person still needs to activate the account to start using it, but the account has been set up.

De-provisioning is the term used for when the account is "taken down" and is no longer available for the person to use.

Account Provisioning/De-provisioning Matrix

Student - Regular

Student accounts are provisioned whenever an application is received for a student or when a non-matriculated student enrolls in a class. Student eligibility is based on MaineStreet Campus Solutions data.


Student accounts are de-provisioned 5 years after their last eligible activity (application or enrollment). Accounts are not maintained for alumni past the 5 years after last eligible activity.

Note: Box accounts are removed 1 year after last eligible activity.

Student - Non Credit

Student accounts are provisioned when the Non-Credit career is applied to the student record in Mainestreet Campus Solutions.


Student accounts are de-provisioned 2 years after the last semester where the non-Credit career was active.

Note: Box accounts are removed 1 year after last activity.


Employee accounts are provisioned when an active job has been entered into MaineStreet. Employee eligibility is based on MaineStreet HR data. Student employees are not provisioned based on HR data - only Campus Solutions data.


Employee accounts are de-provisioned 4 weeks after separation (as entered in HR). In cases where immediate de-provisioning is desired, HR may make a request to do so by emailing and asking someone to call them to get the information (please do not include it in the email request).


Retirees must request to keep their account, otherwise their account de-provisioning follows the same rule as an employee. Requests can be made via email to


Retirees must keep their password up to date to retain their account. If 2 consecutive 6-month password expiration periods are passed (1 year total), the account will be de-provisioned.


To have an account provisioned, a UMS employee must submit a POI request form to their HR office. The form needs to contain Name, Birth date, Responsible UMS person, termination date (or null). Once processed by HR, the account is provisioned.


External accounts are de-provisioned on the request of the responsible UMS person or 4 weeks after the termination date is passed - whichever occurs first.

Mixed Affiliation

Mixed affiliation is when a person falls into more than one of the broad categories listed. Whenever a person falls into any category's eligibility (see above) an account is created for them. Accounts are retained for the longest period of time of any category the person satisfies. For example, if an employee took a class and then resigned at the end of the semester, she would retain her account for 5 years because of the de-provisioning rules that apply to students.

For further assistance, email or phone 1-800-696-HELP (4357)